Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday: SWIM!!

So today, I thought that I would hit the Whole Foods blueberry sale before swim.  Whole Foods has been touting this big sale all week, and I felt like I needed to be there at the crack to get a case of organic blueberries at 1/3 of the price.  Of course, I was the only person at the store, I was late to swim, I for some reason bought my child two mini-cupcakes, and we had a little problem with the wheat grass powder apple juice samples.  Ivan has recently become a huge fan of pushing levers that release liquid, and it was a hard sell to drag him away from the juice canister.  No one cares about blueberry sales.

Anyway, our Whole Foods hiatus put us a full half hour late to swim, and you know, I get really tired of people saying "nice of you to join us" when I am late.  I am dragging along THE un-potty-trained toddler, a LOAD of things including a massive diaper bag with a change of clothes, 3 million extra pairs of Thomas the Train underwear and diapers and snacks and toys and the kitchen sink.  I am also dragging myself in a compromised physical state and trying to get the best deal on blueberries from my local vendor, all before 8:30 in the morning.  It is actually NICE OF ME to join you.  I could sit on my couch staring glazedly at Sesame Street and deny everyone the joy of my presence in a bikini that is growing smaller EVERY DAY.  

Anyway, I got in a 2500 meter swim, had fun talks and picked up Ivan from the swim nursery to spend an afternoon in my continued state of detox.  I am definitely looking and feeling better, and my wheat grass ingestion is making me feel a bit like I have hopped on the food crazy train, but it all seems worth it.

Tomorrow, I am going to learn to make a Glowing Green Smoothie.  It is for sure going to happen!!

Run tomorrow morning and hopefully yoga.  I must get in the yoga!!

1 comment:

Lee said...

no me gusta "nice of you to join us." that is NOT NICE. Sounds like you need Uncle Murry to come explain a few things to them. a modicum of compassion should be extended to all young mothers (and especially to my immediate family members). methinks there's a big difference in the way we were raised and many others in today's world: I cite as examples: Toddlers and Tiaras, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Jersey Shore and Pregnant In Heels. who ARE these people? We are the blessed. fortunate daughters and sons. xoxo
love, Auntie