Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday: RUN

Have you ever shown up somewhere wearing something that you thought looked OK, and then when you were fully awake and and walking around for a bit you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and thought "Oh Dear, please Lord, teleport me back home so that I may change out of my shameful attire".

Today, I blearily dressed myself in gray shorts and a gray 100% cotton "I Love Winston Churchill" t-shirt and a green hat.  It was so hot and sad looking.  My shorts were somehow the exact same color as my shirt. I looked like I was wearing a nerdy hot pants jumpsuit dreamed up in the same nightmare that Stella McCartney had when she designed a white bathing suit with a pineapple over the you-know-what.  That is except that I was the opposite of sexy with a prominent stomach and a sad sad belly button poking through my shirt.  From now on, I will always think of what I wore today as my "birth control Winston Churchill sweat romper", because there is no one on earth that would have wanted a piece of what I had going on today.  In fact, I saw someone at the park today whom I had not seen since college, and I would have loved to have popped over and caught up on old times, BUT, I had to ask myself "Is this "birth control Winston Churchill Sweat Romper" anything that you want to be wearing when you run into someone that you have not seen in 15 years?".  I think we all know the answer to that question.  

So, after running 12 miles dressed in my ridiculous getup, I headed home and cleaned out my drawers.  I found all my cute technical running shirts and got rid of many a cotton tank top.  After completely cleaning out my drawers, I found that I only have three pairs of running shorts, and honestly, one of those pairs of running shorts are really just spandex tap pants and should really be reserved for yoga at home while Ivan is napping.  I am going to invest in a few Lululemon pairs of shorts, so that I will look appropriate when I am out and about.  

Spent the rest of the day sitting on the couch like a lump and heading out of town tomorrow!!

1 comment:

mel12 said...

That cracks me up!! I'm afraid I have many a birth control outfits as well...mel