Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday: Small Walk, Small Swim, Church Social

Confession:  While I am writing this, I am watching The Beaver, with Mel Gibson who is totally redeeming himself with every word of this film.  I am loving it, and Jody Foster is totally cute, and I have not seen her be cute for years.  

This morning, after popping Sloan the Younger off to nursery school, I headed into the doctor's office and then was able to get to the gym for a stroll on the treadmill, and then I swam 2100 meters at a slow crawl.  I made it to nursery school to pick up Ivan.  We had a little Curious George time at home, before getting ourselves together and heading out to the church social.  

Now, Ivan was excited to hit the church social, as he got to play in the church nursery with other kids.  I was excited to hit the church social (actually called the Women's Sherry) because everyone brings an appetizer and it is a total smorgasborg of homemade appetizers.  Someone actually brought bacon wrapped club crackers which I have not seen since I was a small child, but which are three kinds of delicious.  Now, what I actually ate a good bit of was the smoked salmon, the fresh veggies and these basil, goat cheese, tomato things that were just so delicious.  There were two full tables laden with appetizers, and I circled all night.  

On the way home, Ivan and I drove to Krispy Kreme.  He chose a jack-o-lantern donut and I chose a chocolate iced kreme filled, which are my favorite.  I had sort of been craving it for a while, and I am glad that I made the effort to satisfy that situation.  It was crazy delicious.

Finished The Beaver while typing.  It was an unexpected finale, but still a real cinematic treat!!

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