Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday: Day Two of Pink Eye: Run, Gilad, and Yoga

My eye looked worse today than it did yesterday. Just so puffy and pink and painful. You know, it is really only the upper right quadrant of my face that hurts, so I kind of had in my head that I could go to swim this morning. It would, however, be socially irresponsible to plunge my head into any public body of water while walking around with a contagious infection. No doubt about it.

SO, I stayed here, had cookies (gluten free chocolate oatmeal, not that that makes it any better) and tea for breakfast, administered medication to my eye and pitied myself. Long about midmorning, I pulled myself together, put on huge sunglasses, scalded and scrubbed my hands, and drove Ivan and I to Bread and Company to get myself a big salad. After lunch, I went for a run, still wearing HUGE sunglasses. At home, I got in a Gilad workout and some yoga. I made salmon burgers for dinner and made a huge salad to go along.

It seems that track workout for tomorrow is a no go. It just seems rude to show up with a contagious illness in a situation where I could possibly splash sweat all over someone.

In a day making turn of events, I figured out that Swedish movie of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, was available on Netflix on demand. Thilling!!! I am watching it now, and it is so Swedish. There just aren't many pretty people. It is so chilly looking. They actors have European teeth and no one has perfect skin or is aging like Courtney Cox. Overall, quite true to the book.

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