Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday: A Day Off, Sort Of

Ivan in the Meerkat Habitat
A friend of mine once told me that once you have children, there is no such thing as a weekend or a day off.  This did not seem believable at the time, but she was for serious.  I took the day off today, and worked out harder than ever, and that doesn't even count the real live work that I did for money.

Another friend, pointed out to me that I had not taken a day off since the devil-fired and dastardly Music City Triathlon, and no doubt about it, a day off needs to be taken.  So today, I did not work out, but I had Ivan's burgeoning social schedule to manage, so we were off and running to the pool for a swim lesson touch up at 9:30, where we stayed for an hour or so with me all the while chasing Ivan down, pulling him out of the deep end and threatening him within an inch of his life to stop running.  We left there to meet a friend at Chic-Fil-A where they have a playplace (just awful) and I climbed to the top not once, not twice, but three times to drag Ivan from the top where he was stuck like a cat in a tree.  Then, we raced home for a nap before heading off to the zoo for the afternoon.  The zoo was an inferno and I pushed his stroller up every hill with sweat rolling down my back and my cute zoo ensemble drenched as if I had run a marathon. It was all worth it, however, for Ivan's excitement at seeing the monkey's swing and his beside himself jubilation at seeing the huge fish in the aquarium.

Early run tomorrow morning and Yogurt World tomorrow night!!  My punch card is full, so free yogurt!!!

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