Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday: Swim and Gilad

Honestly, this weather is KILLING me with a capital K.  On this snowy morning, I had to wait until 8:03 AM, when the pool opened (three hours late due to the frozen road conditions), to call and find out if any of the childcare workers had come in.  After I called and discovered that there was indeed a childcare worker in attendance, Young Sloan and I had to load up snow style.  This involves fleece footy pajamas, coats, hats, boots and chasing someone who runs away in the snow as you are trying to load all your swim equipment into the car.

At the gym, someone also ran away into the snow and dropped "wanket, other wanket, and dog" into a slush puddle so that they were a soggy mess by the time we tracked into the gym.  And by the time I got my 12 layers of warm clothes stripped off and my swim cap on, it was 9:00 AM.  Yes, it was 9:00 AM.  I think that this was the latest I have EVER arrived at the pool deck.  And of course on the day that I am late to the point of absent, everyone else is on time, just swimming like champions as if they have been there all their lives.

I, however, refused to take everyone else's punctuality lying down, so I got in and swam hard and then when practice was over, I moved down to the public lanes and I swam 1000 meters to make sure that I got in the whole 3300 meters.  Workout as follows:

  • 400 swim
  • 200 kick
  • 8 x 25 fast
  • 4 x 50 drill
  • 4 x 75 kick/ drill/ swim
  • 800 pull
  • 6 x 25 fat
  • 4 x 50 swim
  • 6 x 75 swim
  • 5 x 100
  • 500 swim
It really was a great swim, and it was pretty solitary, because most of my usual crew was not in attendance.  I even went hardcore and did my kicking without fins.  It seems to me that if Steven (our swim coach) would give gold stars or maybe mini-Snickers or fun-time Twix for great accomplishments in swim class, I would be more enthused and behave like I did today with more frequency.  I really like rewards and have long enjoyed a dysfunctional food reward relationship with myself. It seems that if I could convince Steven to enter that journey with me, it could be perfect and my swim times and dedication could really improve.

In fact, if everyone in my life could enter than relationship with me.  Everything could be better. 

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