Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday: Swim and Halloween

I must say that my Halloween started off rather sickly.  Most of my morning was spent lounging around and feeling faint and nauseous, which is a bummer over and over.  By noon, I had rallied and I watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show which is playing in a continuous loop on TCM today.  I have never actually seen it before, and I have actually watched the time warp dance scene about 10 times today, and I almost considered learning the dance.  It seems like it might be a fun party trick.  Ivan and I watched the time warp dance several times, and he asked me to watch it one more time before he went to bed.  Maybe it is our new thing.  

In the afternoon, I went swimming and then Ivan and I headed off to visit his great grandmother and then to a friend's house for a Halloween party and trick or treating.  This was actually the first year that Ivan could really understand trick or treating, and he really enjoyed it once he understood how it all worked.  Initially he felt that when someone opened a door, he was being welcomed into the house, and he tried to roam right in.  Then we had a slight struggle with only taking one piece of candy.  BUT, overall I think trick or treating was very successful, and I expect even greater things for next year.  

Swim tomorrow!!

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