Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday: Swim, Couch Hunt, Doctor, Chihuly at Cheekwood and Sonic

Another quandry that I have on a regular basis is whether or not I should wake Ivan up when I am planning to go somewhere.  Now normally when I am taking him to do something that is for me, I let him sleep.  If it is to get him to nursery school or to the doctor or some such, I wake him up.  So this morning, I got myself ready, made my smoothie, and my tea and packed up the car and waited until about 8:20 AM before Ivan ever stirred.  This meant that by the time Ivan and I got to the pool, Ivan went to the nursery and I got to the pool deck it was 9:00 AM.  Now while I am often late to swim, I am rarely this late.  Fifteen minutes is my max lateness.  So today was LATE. The few times that I have been that late, I have just stayed later and finished the workout.

Today, of course, I had a doctors appointment that we had to make, so I had to hop out of the pool at 10:00 AM to get there on time.  I did, however, enjoy my brief time in the pool and the workout was as follows:

  • 600 warmup
  • 6 x 25 swim
  • 6 x 50 drill
  • 6 x 75 swim
  • 600 pull
  • 200 swim
It was a reasonable workout, and I got to the doctor's office on time, and even a bit early, so that I had plenty of time to peruse their Town & Country collection.  Ivan did knock over a wheelchair, but other than that, it was pleasant wait.  Ivan also accompanied me to the examining room where he sat patiently in a chair for the most part.  

Upon leaving, Ivan and I hit Restoration Hardware for some couch perusing, because I am on a new couch rampage.  Ivan and I sat on several couches and definitely made a final decision on the Kensington, because I have a thing for tufted leather and it will not be satiated until I own a tufted leather couch and I can sit on it and think of my dream life where I own a British country home.  

Once we arrived home and Ivan had a nap, he and I pulled it together to get to Chihuly at Cheekwood.  It was pretty amazing and Ivan was reasonably well-behaved, only attracting the the attention of two security guards.  This was only for minor transgressions of breaching the security walls and ropes.  It was a nice night, very crowded and not very well lit actually.  I wore a great cashmere t-shirt that I have recently unpacked from winter storage and found that it had TWO moth holes.  SO SAD.  I am going to go through all my cashmeres and wools tomorrow and check for damage and then invest in some cedar. 

Now, also very exciting, there was a tiny Faberge exhibit, and in it was an egg and a fan that had belonged to Nicholas II's sister!!!!  I was so excited.  I have a Romanov thing that I will not even get into now, but I was just thrilled.  

Now, on the way home, I was overwhelmed by hunger and had no choice but to head to Sonic where I ate really terrible food: a cheese burger and mozzerella sticks.  It was crazy delicious.  

Run tomorrow!!!  Should get confirmation about my entry in the Rocket City Marathon on Monday, have already booked a hotel room!!

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